An on-going testament to God's providence and goodness
tag base
Friday, August 29, 2003
The boss resigned this week...
The boss resigned this week, and for the first time I realized how attached to him I was.
In ministry, you get used to people coming and going. Its almost as if the church has revolving doors at the entrance . Once your in, it won't be long until your headed back out the way you came.
I have only been here for 3 years (as of October 9) and I have seniority... a LOT of seniority compared to most others.
You would think that I am bothered by the fact that it is seemingly impossible to retain to good people on staff in a church, but I'm really not. It doesn't bother me because God is in control and only He sees the big picture. All things MUST work together for His good. Either I believe that, or I don't.
My boss resigned today, and I am going to miss him a lot... the ministry here will miss him a lot... but it is not the end of the road. God will bring good from the situation for His glory, and not our own.
The future is unsure. But God is already there waiting for me... and that is all the comfort I need.
posted by Kevin at 8/29/2003 05:55:11 PM    
Thursday, August 28, 2003
"I'm not dead yet"
Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated
I am still here.... and so much is going on in life I can't seem to focus on what to write on these pages. Thanks to Phil for keeping my smiling on the TagBoard, and thanks to Barry for asking if the site had been hacked. :)
Stay tuned! ..... maybe even later today!
posted by Kevin at 8/28/2003 11:38:43 AM    
Sunday, August 17, 2003
ONE WEEK - Epilogue
This ONE WEEK has finally come to an end.
The hours between post 057 and now have been filled with so much work, confusion, and mayhem that I doubt I can recall all of the happenings. It has been non-stop action for hours, broken only by 5 hours of sleep. We had our first Worship Service last night, at 6:00pm, then had an hour before the Grand Opening ceremony for the new building (Phase II) and the lighting/ringing of the Cross Tower. Then I came home to work on Sermon Graphics for Sunday. Sunday morning brought 2 more services at 9:15am and 11:00am.
There is really no better way to describe what happens in Media on weekends than to say that it is an Aaron Sorkin drama. Those who are familiar with Sports Night, The West Wing, An American President, or A Few Good Men will catch my drift... but only those who have ever walked a mile in my shoes at a large church will truly understand.
It can be nuts at times!
You just strap yourself in for the ride and feel the G's, hoping you live to see the other side of the weekend. You've spent the whole week (or longer) preparing for these 3 services. You've edited videos, created graphics, scheduled volunteers, attended meetings, checked the systems, prepared shot books and sequences, prayed (hopefully), and done dozens of other small jobs necessary to try and coordinate the details and be sure that everything is ready for the congregation to show up.....
Any number of things could wrong. A volunteer could bail out. A critical piece of equipment could fail. You might have forgotten to do a graphic or load a slide. A word might be mispelled. The computer might freeze. I bulb might burn out. Yada, yada, yada. And then there are just the mistakes that fall into the "I'm human" category.
If all of this wasn't enough, then there are things that are added/changed at the last minute. A video that we weren't expecting. A graphic that we were never told about. A different song. And the list goes on....
You NEVER know what you will face as the Worship Service bears down on you. Each week its a different animal and there is absolutely no way to prepare for what might come up at the last minute.
But there is one overarching goal that is always at the back of my mind: Don't let anyone know that you're here.
I just spent my entire week preparing for the 'show of a lifetime' at church and in the end I am supposed to fade into the background?? Exactly. My job as a media minister is not to draw attention to my work, but to blend in seamlessly with the music and preaching. I am support, but not the main event.
That is a TOUGH job description.
But that is why I spend my entire weekend in (semi)damage-control mode. My goal is to be sure that no mistakes or mishaps interrupt the ebb and flow of a service. Media is doing its best when the congregation doesn't realize that we are there... but instead, their thoughts are on God and the worship of Him.
Have I lost you?
Well, you might be surprised how much work it takes to make sure that a multi-million dollar media/technical system built by contractors and run by dozens of volunteers operates without flaw. Add to that the occasional flakiness of staff and throw in a little mayhem from the music department for good measure, and you have a recipe for disaster (a GREAT service, but one that takes a lot of behind-the-scenes work to make happen).
Its my job to be sure that nothing of the sort happens..... and even when the ship does go down in flames, to pick up the pieces, pat everyone on the back, take the blame and move on, reminding everyone of this....
"I don't expect anything out of you (or myself) that God doesn't. He doesn't expect perfection out of you... and neither do I."
I always walk out of the church on Sunday afternoon broken and spilled out. I am always physically and emotionally drained. Most of the time I am spiritually filled.
But no matter the state that I am in at the end of my ONE WEEK. I know that in 12 hours I get to drive back to the church and start a new one all over again.
There is nothing more exciting, humbling, fulfilling, maddening, rewarding, or godly as church work.
And I thrive on it.
posted by Kevin at 8/17/2003 02:38:02 PM    
Saturday, August 16, 2003
ONE WEEK - (day 7) - 057
The Lower Third graphic has been imported into every lyric slide that we have this weekend, thanks to yours truly.
Now I am redesigning some of Loop Graphics so that they will not cover up the screen real estate that is now allocated to the Pre-Service Countdown clock.
posted by Kevin at 8/16/2003 04:06:56 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 7) - 056
I am at church now and am rendering the final Pre-Service output. Everything is happening according to schedule, and maybe even a little earlier than expected.
Then we will roll off the entire 20-minute piece and load it into the video hard-drive storage system.
posted by Kevin at 8/16/2003 03:33:30 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 7) - 055
Well, decided to work on the Lower Third anyway. I had nothing else to do at noon on a Saturday afternoon from home. ;)
So here it is. I am posting the previous Lower Third and the new one. I hope that you can tell which is which. If not, then I've not done my job very well have I.
This is a project that I have been meaning to get around to for a LONG time... but you know how ministry goes sometimes.
It may go through a couple more minor revisions, but for now I am pretty happy with the look of this. And I guess I can move on to something else.....
In fact, now that I realize that its 1:30, I need to finish getting ready and head over to the church.
The fun is about ready to begin.
posted by Kevin at 8/16/2003 11:59:07 AM    
ONE WEEK - (day 7) - 054
Just finished outputting two streams of "77 Seconds" destined for the church's website. I used a sweet little program for the Mac called Cleaner. Who knew it could be this easy. I finally decided on using Realplayer to serve the files. It was either that or Windows Media or Quicktime. I hope that I made the right decision. There is a Hi-Res Surestream version that weighs in at aber 10Megs, and there is a Lo-Res Surestream version that is 1.5Megs. So we shall see. Once I get to church in a little while I will upload them to the FTP Server and then the web team can take it from there.
I am still debating about the Lower Third.
posted by Kevin at 8/16/2003 11:51:41 AM    
ONE WEEK - (day 7) - 053
Well, its Saturday morning. I didn't do much at all last night but set up several of my animations to render overnight.
The Grand Opening of Phase II happens this evening and also the rollout of "77 Seconds". Most everything is in order for both of these events but as is common in ministry, I am sure that there will be last minute changes/problems to adjust to. If you expect them, they don't catch you by surprise. :)
I forgot to create a new Lower Third for lyric slides last night. I hope that I will have time to do that once I get to church this afternoon. I haven't really figured out how I want it to look yet, and that is a big part of getting it done.
posted by Kevin at 8/16/2003 09:55:58 AM    
Friday, August 15, 2003
ONE WEEK - (day 6) - 052
Instead of the Mission Statement being the intro of "77 Seconds" I think that I am going to try and make this old-style countdown work.
I'm not sure exactly what verbage and design elements I am going to put along with this. But I do agree with the Teaching Pastor that this will end up making a nicer intro (and transition) into "77 Seconds".
Stay tuned.
posted by Kevin at 8/15/2003 09:45:19 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 6) - 051
Oh yeah, one more thing. Micah got the file for the web output... but could only do it in a Quicktime MOV Mpeg4 format (file size approx. 9 Megs).
That is one step closer.... but it means that I will most likely have to convert it myself to a HI and LO Res version, then re-upload it for our Webmaster.
The Power That Be want it on the PW website by Sunday after Noon. And I see their point, so I am going to do what I can to make that happen. We put SO much time and effort into this, I want everyone to see it.
posted by Kevin at 8/15/2003 06:24:49 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 6) - 050
Made it home. What a hectic yet fulfilling day.
Received a note that IMAG database had been updated with the new announcements for the weekend. Gotta create graphics slides for those tomorrow. I need to remember to ask that this list be completed sooner in the week. Now, with "77 Seconds", I will have to have these graphics created before Saturday, which used to be my normal time. Hopefully I will get around to doing them tomorrow anyway. We shall see. There are SO many things to get done.
In addition to cutting the Mission Statement, End-of-Service roll, and Welcome to the Family of God Invitation roll, I also decided to nix the badges for the volunteers for the weekend. It would have been really nice for them to have something special to commemmorate the weekend, but I have just run out of time and have to start cutting the small things out.
I washed the car and worked a little on the lawn this afternoon. That helped relieve some stress.
Now I am going to catch on a little personal work and then jump back headlong into the process of finishing the things that I need to get finished for the weekend services.
posted by Kevin at 8/15/2003 06:21:25 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 6) - 049
I have fallen in love with a song called "Lord, I Offer Up this Praise" from Geron Davis.... It is AMAZING to me how much music can change your mood. It has been such an uplifting afternoon!
Marking things off the list... seeing weeks of hard work come to completion in so many small ways... and then there are the pats on the back.
I would be lying if I said I did not appreciate or like the kudos we get, but I do not need or crave them. It is nice, though, to know that the hard work and effort, late-late nights, 12+ hour days, and lack of time off have not been for nothing.
I almost forgot to e-mail Joe with Communilux, the company that is re-designing our Spandex Sail look on stage. I took care of that, and now I gathering up the media components that I will need to work from home this evening.
"Lord, I offer up this praise
Lord, I offer up this praise
Lord, I offer up this song of praise unto your name
Lord, I offer up this praise
Lord, I offer up this praise
Lord, I offer up this song of praise unto your name
My hands are feeble, my lips are clay
Lord, I'm not worthy to even speak you name
You are worthy, Yes, You alone!
And that is why I offer you my song!
Oh Lord!
Lord, I offer up this praise
Lord, I offer up my praise
Lord, I offer up this song of praise unto your name!
posted by Kevin at 8/15/2003 03:58:55 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 6) - 048
Just did several 'dog and pony shows' of "77 Seconds" and the other Pre-Service elements in the Worship Center for the Teaching Pastor and Minister of Music. These things always scare me because its almost too late to change anything. So you hope that they are as pleased with it now as they have been in the past. And they were.
There were some obvious concerns about how "77 Seconds" would fit into the service from week to week, and how its energy will fit into the energy of the opening of the service. These are things that will be much clearer after the test run this weekend.
The Teaching Pastor nixed the Mission Statement fly from the beginning of 77 Seconds, and I think that he correct in making that decision. That actually makes my life a lot easier for this weekend and deletes one more thing from my list that has to be done.
posted by Kevin at 8/15/2003 03:21:29 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 6) - 047
Lunch went VERY well. It was nice time for both the staff and the volunteers that showed up. I am SO glad that we were able to do it!
This early afternoon has been filled with trying to figure out how to get "77 Seconds" posted to the website each weekend. There was some miscommunication about our intentions of posting it there and now we are trying to tag the bases in the 11th hour.
posted by Kevin at 8/15/2003 01:18:59 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 6) - 046
Moms always know just what to say: "Hang in there today - pace yourself - and enjoy the upcoming events of this special weekend."
posted by Kevin at 8/15/2003 10:50:51 AM    
ONE WEEK - (day 6) - 045
So far it has been a pretty interesting morning. Generally Fridays are busy, but quiet. I like it that way.
The PW Connection Service Bible Fellowship promo is almost finished, thanks to hard work from Micah the last 2 days. Today, he and Sandy are working on the shot books and DEKO files (character generator) that will make this weekend's services flow so fluidly and with seeming ease.
I have been working on rendering and outputting the Mission Statement roll, Kingdom First roll, and Countdown in an effort to finish it before lunch... but that comes in about a half-an-hour so I am not sure if I am going to have all of this finished in time to preview to the volunteers.
We also had a little misunderstanding this morning about who should be knowledgable concerning the correct operation of the projectors. Knowledge is power, apparently. It still amazes me how the smallest things can sometimes turn in to the biggest issues.... i think, though, that sometimes they are indicators of problems in other areas. We made it through though. And an issue that I had no idea even was an issue has now been rectified. I think. I hope.
Could this render work any slower!?!
posted by Kevin at 8/15/2003 10:22:57 AM    
Thursday, August 14, 2003
ONE WEEK - (day 5) - 044
After working with it most of the evening the "Kingdom First / Matthew 6:33" Pre-service graphic roll is looking pretty good. The music seems to fit pretty well, and the addition of the Phase II footage to the shield worked out well too.
Tomorrow I will combine this piece with the Pre-Service Countdown, Mission Statement, and "77 Seconds" to complete the entire Pre-Service package. And hopefully Pastor will not request that it moved to another time during the service.
I am thinking that I am not going to be able to finish everything on the list that I wanted to do.... so the 'End-of-Service" roll and "Welcome to the Family of God" Invitation Graphic may just have to wait.
The end of this ONE WEEK is upon me and the time is going to fly from here on out!
posted by Kevin at 8/14/2003 11:09:29 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 5) - 043
Here is an early pre-comp of the idea that hit me while doing errands. As you can see, I have added motion video to each section of the shield and hopefully I can get After Effects to manipulate the footage in a manner that is simple yet effective.
Sam says that he thought it was great. I could tell by the look on his face... but we will see whether or not I can make this thing work. Hopefully I will be able to. Its pretty cool.
Now I will move on to timing and tweaking this whatnot and then importing it into the rest of the "Kingdom First / Matthew 6:33" feature.
Fun, fun, fun.
posted by Kevin at 8/14/2003 05:18:36 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 5) - 042
Pastor loved "77 Seconds". In fact, I think that the exact wording was: LOVED.
That is load off of my mind!
The only thing is (and this is typical) Pastor had a few ideas that might throw a wrench into my plans. :) No big worries, but no some stuff is up in the air.....
Pastor found out that we were considering adding a crawl at the bottom of "77 Seconds" announcing the relevant website for the story that was running. Problem is, I don't think that I have time to complete the appropriate redesigns to the graphic templates.
Pastor also mentioned putting it at the middle (or end) of service the first few weeks to be sure that no one missed it. I understand his reasoning, and agreed with it. But as Adam Sandler said in Wedding Singer: "Once again, information that I could have used yesterday!" :) Seriously though, I hope he doesn't do that, but simply because I think that the whole pre-service package idea is SO strong..... but I can roll with the punches and it might actually end up making my job easier this weekend and giving me extra time to finish all of the graphic animation elements. For now, I will continue to work under the 'business as usual' plan and wait to see what the verdict is.
All that being said, I am REALLY excited that Pastor liked it. This is a HUGE win for the department.
posted by Kevin at 8/14/2003 03:56:00 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 5) - 041
While running a few errands I had a really neat idea for the "Kingdom First / Matthew 6:33" graphic animation that is a part of the roll-out this weekend.
I have been kicking around the idea of editing a short 're-cap' of the building campaign (remember, this is opening weekend for the new wing of the building) but I really don't have time to edit this nor has the pastoral staff signed off on the idea (and its kind of late now).
But I was thinking that maybe I could combine these two elements and celebrate the history of the new building during the Kingdom First animation by including viddeo snippets in the sections of the shield (church logo). I know this makes absolutely no sense to anyone but me. But trust me, I think that I'm on to something!
posted by Kevin at 8/14/2003 03:28:12 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 5) - 040
The Volunteer Website has been updated. It has been difficult to keep up with this site as of late. There are so many other more important things going on. I did get a chance to do a minor update on the look of it recently (changing the splash page and masthead) but that really is the only significant update in a long while. Maybe sometime in September I will have a little extra time (and gumption) to sink into it.
And for now I am gonna jet outta here and run an errand or two.
Then its back to work here at the house!
posted by Kevin at 8/14/2003 01:32:12 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 5) - 039
As you can see, I am up and going WAY late today. It's my one day off a week. Most of the time I get to spend this day not thinking about work... but today will not bring that kind of freedom. But that really doesn't bother me. It was nice to be able to stay up late talking with the roomy, sleep in until 11, and now get up for lunch and the noon news on WFAA.
I will spend the early afternoon taking care of some personal business (and just veggin' out) and then later this afternoon/evening I will get back to work on the church whatnot that I have been workingon all week. I really need to make a lot of progress today because I am running out of time now....
This ONE WEEK is already half over, and I am not even close to being halfway finished... or am I?
posted by Kevin at 8/14/2003 11:39:54 AM    
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
ONE WEEK - (day 4) - 038
Against the better judgement of the ISTJ within, I am headed to see Blue Man Group at NextStage.
Maybe this will spark my creativity. Or, it will push me deeper into the introversion that is so near the surface this week.
posted by Kevin at 8/13/2003 06:19:13 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 4) - 37
Finally tracked down the receipt to DVD Studio Pro 1.5 and get the free upgrade offer submitted. DVD Studio Pro 2.0, here I come, as long as I did everything correctly.
Getting ready to e-mail out an update to the media/tech staff on the events of the weekend and our involvement in them.
posted by Kevin at 8/13/2003 03:03:17 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 4) - 36
Both the Teaching Pastor and Executive Pastor have seen "77 Seconds" and it currently has 4 thumbs up... now we still are waiting for Pastor to see it sometime this afternoon, and those last 2 thumbs are of immense importance.
Thanks to some wisdom from our Executive Pastor, the "Success in Life and Family Conference rollout/promo" has been pushed back one week... meaning that a HUGE hole has been created in our schedule for this week. I couldn't be happier.
Now, I might actually have a chance to finish most of the rest of the stuff on that list of things to do by Saturday Services.
posted by Kevin at 8/13/2003 02:57:06 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 4) - 35
Pastor is previewing "77 Seconds" in the bosses office right now. Let's all pray.
I think I need to use the restroom.
posted by Kevin at 8/13/2003 01:59:16 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 4) - 34
Just finished and sent out the prayer/praise "mediaMINISTRY: Weekly Update".
I finally collected my thoughts and was able to get it finished. Thank God! Now I can move on to something else.
Actually this is becoming one of the most enjoyable parts of my week. It is a welcomed respite because it is ACTUAL ministry. Not that every I do isn't, but this is just a little more direct (and needed).
Here is a link to the e-mail that was sent. And below, I have posted the text that was SO difficult to put into words....
"Beware the Barrenness of a Busy Life"
After hearing a Pastor say that once, I had the good sense to immediately write it down in the back of my Bible. Occasionally I will come across it only to be struck between the eyes with the guilt of how many times I fail God on this account.
That statement has been so convicting to me this week that frankly, that's all I have say on the subject.
posted by Kevin at 8/13/2003 01:36:50 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 4) - 33
Where we currently stand.....
"77 SECONDS" - Micah has been working on this like gang-busters. He is outputting the final review copy for Pastor to see. Pastor hasn't seen it yet, not even the pilot! I am excited to hear his reaction. Oddly enough, he has been its biggest proponent. Had he not gotten behind the idea so quickly and pressed for it to be added to the weekly schedule, we might not be doing it.
PW CONNECTION PROMO VIDEO - This airs in our Bible Fellowship (sunday school) classes this weekend. All of the interviews have been done, its just a matter of getting it edited.
SUCCESS IN LIFE & FAMILY PROMO VIDEO - This also airs in our BF classes this weekend. The Voiceover has been completed... but not much more has been done on this yet.
PRE-SERVICE COUNTDOWN - A new addition to our services, this counts down to the beginning of each Worship Service (the last 77 seconds of which is "77 Seconds"). This has been finished, I just have to render and output it.
MISSION STATEMENT - We used to put our Mission statement on screens before services. I liked doing it, but it was boring and we haven't done it in over a year. So I am animating the Mission Statement and adding it to the Pre-Service Countdown immediately before "77 Seconds" which means that it will roll approx. 120 seconds (2 minutes) before services start. This is halfway through the design process but is on hiatus until tomorrow when I have time to be more creative.
KINGDOM FIRST / Matthew 6:33 - Our theme for this year is "Kingdom First". Immediately after "77 Seconds" finishes a graphic animation that includes Matthew 6:33, the Kingdom First logo, and the church logo (the Shield) will roll to screens. Lasting about 20 seconds, this will bump us directly into the start of the service and the first musical number by the choir. This is on hiatus until tomorrow also.
LOWER THIRD - The 'Lower Third' graphic used during the worship portion of the service needs to be redesigned to fit the graphical look of the rest of the service. I've not even thought about this yet.
WELCOME TO THE FAMILY OF GOD - This is an 8-second animation that rolls at the end of the invitation welcoming those who have come forward into the church and God's Family. It too needs redesigned to match the look of the rest of the service. It too has not been worked on at all.
SERVICE EXIT - This video roll includes information on purchasing tapes, plus our CCLI copyright announcement. It too must be redesigned to fit the look of the rest of the service. Do you see a pattern forming?
These are just the video needs, but there are many other things to accomplish.....
- Get out the MediaMINISTRY e-update.
- Finish plans for Friday lunch with the volunteers.
- Find a Producer for PW Connection Service. Schedule volunteers for it.
- Decide whether or not to use the crane for the lighting of the tower and ringing of the bells on Saturday night. Schedule people for that.
- Create badges for the volunteers celebrating Grand Opening.
- ..... probably lots of other things that I am not even thinking of right now. :)
posted by Kevin at 8/13/2003 12:10:50 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 4) - 32
I've been sitting at my desk for a half-an-hour trying to write a two paragraph note for the Prayer e-newsletter. I simply cannot collect my thoughts. Even though I am writing on 'barrenness' I can't seem to find the write words to pen. There may be a joke in there somewhere.
So I am going to step away from that for a little while and work on something else.....
posted by Kevin at 8/13/2003 11:49:23 AM    
ONE WEEK - (day 4) - 031
Haven't really had a chance to update this yet today. Wacky times.
I ran late into work this morning, a partial by-product of my mental state and lack of true rest as of late.
Immediately upon arriving I was pulled into a meeting on "77 Seconds" to discuss story selection and the 'read'. It is amazing to me how true the phrase "The Devil is in the Details" is to projects like these. You must be very precise in all that you do because its the little things that get you.
Then I moved into trying to write an e-mail to the volunteer staff. We are moving our Broadcast Service to the second service starting in September and kind of 'ramping up' the quality and amount of work that goes into it. One of the major components of this is to have the same people on camera for both services instead of rotating them out as we do now. From a sheer production standpoint, this makes complete sense... but from a volunteer ministry standpoint it scares me. I don't have enough people who would be willing to work both Sunday services, I don't want to burn them out, and I want them to be able to attend a service or Bible fellowship. How am I going to solve the problem???? What is the solution that will make everyone happy. Another catch-22. ROFL. Sorry, couldn't resist.
Lunch is FAST approaching. I have lost too much of my morning. I will need to work through lunch. (I am already planning on working tomorrow too, my one day off a week, but that is ok).
I still need to get the prayer e-newsletter out, find some SFX on the internet for 77, etc. etc.
More soon.....
posted by Kevin at 8/13/2003 10:23:23 AM    
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
ONE WEEK - (day 3) - 030
Not even halfway through this week yet and already I am feeling broken and spilled out.
Even though I spent most of this evening doing nothing productive (other than driving one roomy across the countryside to drop a car and eat dinner with the other roomy's fam) I don't feel rested or relaxed.
I think I will go to bed early tonight (meaning midnight) and hope that tomorrow brings with it some much needed progress on the graphics and production front, and also a little easier of a day for me.
I feel like a juggler in a circus. Just when I think I am juggling as many projects as is humanly possible, more are added. I am certain that at some point my timing is going to be slightly off and I am going to drop one, causing the all of the others to come down with it. How many can I keep in the air and how long can I keep them going before certainty catches up?
Wow, was that a little depressing or what?
Even in the midst of great trial and stress God still shows His power and proves His love. That has been proven to over and again as I make my through this ONE WEEK.
posted by Kevin at 8/12/2003 11:20:16 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 3) - 029
A friend of mine, a good friend, is heading off to college. He is a great kid and I am so glad that the 'stars have aligned' for him to attend. There was a time where I was afraid that it all might not work out for him. But for now, it has.
I've spent the last hour or more writing him a note...
posted by Kevin at 8/12/2003 07:07:57 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 3) - 028
2.5 Hours, and the service is finally over!
....headed home.
posted by Kevin at 8/12/2003 05:18:00 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 3) - 027
We are in the middle of the PCA All-School Worship Service and Pep Rally. I am directing it.... but we are in the middle of a long speaker, so I decided to update this.
We've made it through most of the fun stuff, the Fight Song, the Comedian (Ken Davis), the cheerleaders, the fight song, the band, the fight song.
We still haven't done our remote from the other side of the 140 acres, but at least isn't raining outside right now! This should all be over in about an hour....
.... then I will prolly go home home, blow off some steam, and then work some more. Who knows.
"77 Seconds" is coming together. Micah is putting it together as we speak and it is looking pretty nice.
posted by Kevin at 8/12/2003 04:19:54 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 3) - 026
There was a corruption problem in one of our 3 presentations for today. Fortunately Micah found it before the Service. Kudos.
I also went through and emboldened some of the fonts and whatnot in their presentation just to be sure that some of the smaller text showed up on screens.
I think that they wanted us to actually redesign these PowerPoint slides in Photoshop for their event. But they never asked for it, and since I am so snowed I never got around to doing it on my own.
Hopefully it will be good enough. I learned long ago that (especially in ministry) 'good enough' is sometimes good enough. That flies in the face of cultural norm, but I think the Bible backs me up on that one. :) We can discuss that later. For now, I have to turn a PowerPoint presentation into a video.
posted by Kevin at 8/12/2003 01:43:57 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 3) - 025
Publishing again from the WiFi in the Dining Commons....
Lunch is over for me now, but I was able to catch up with a friend from DC (and help her with her blog), work through the details of an appreciation lunch for volunteers this Friday, and defend my definition of a catch-22.
HAHAHAHA. Now its back up to the office!
posted by Kevin at 8/12/2003 12:50:35 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 3) - 024
The stand-up for "77 Seconds" is being completed as I type. After the madness of choosing the stories and getting scripts completed it is nice to see this ball finally rolling. Most of the B-Roll for the feature is already finished so it is just a matter of importing, editing, compositing, rendering, approving, and outputing it. :)
The guy who does the stand-up was the top news anchor in Dallas for years and is a member of our church. He is phenominal!
I have a little more graphics work to do for the Worship Service before I jet out for a VERY short lunch.
Back to Work!
posted by Kevin at 8/12/2003 09:51:32 AM    
ONE WEEK - (day 3) - 023
In and back to work again. I am picking up pieces left over from yesterday. Several slide presentations need to be completed and sent off for review, remember we have an All-School Worship this afternoon.
It is scheduled to rain (isolated thunderstorms to be exact) all day today and we have a live remote on the other side of our 140-acre property during this Worship Service. Lets pray for the best. A lot of prep (and money) have been sunk into this by our Technical Ministry staff.
At 10:00 we film (tape, to be exact) the stand-up for our first "77 Seconds" feature (2nd if you count the pilot). Getting the script finished for this has been a bear... and I know that there will be more damage control to come as I answer for my actions. But part of having responsibility for a project includes have the cohones to step in and make the tough (and sometimes unpopular) decisions for the greater good.
posted by Kevin at 8/12/2003 09:41:36 AM    
Monday, August 11, 2003
ONE WEEK - (day 2) - 022
OK. As you can see I have added a 'fly-in' to the Mission statement and it is actually kind of nice. I am sure that this will go through more revisions in its style and motion, but I am pretty pleased with it right now. Though I may have a different opinion of it in the morning. :)
The more I think about it, the more I think that a stark look might be nice.
For now though, I think that I am going to call it quits and just sit on the couch staring at the wall for an hour or two. Then go to bed and try to get some sleep before tomorrow. Notice: I said sleep, not rest.
No rest will come until the end of this ONE WEEK.
posted by Kevin at 8/11/2003 11:26:54 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 2) - 021
I am not sure if I am making too much of the Mission Statement or not. It is difficult to know whether or not less is more. I always prefer the minimalist look as compared to the overly busy look when it comes to design. But this might be too much.
The text does not track (or move at all) though I may add that. And the background does have a slight motion to it. But it still seems a little too stark. So I may abandon this part of the project and come back to it another day when I am feeling more creative.
The fact that this comes immediately before the "77 Seconds" feature in the Service (which is highly produced) means that I might have a little too much dissonance between elements if left to stand as they are now. Back to the drawing board, or not? THAT is the question.
posted by Kevin at 8/11/2003 09:52:21 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 2) - 020
Just got back from the 'test run' of the new Dining Commons and it went VERY well. I am excited at thought of having a full service eatery and dining establishment at the church.
That was a nice 2 hour down time today and I enjoyed the company. But now, its time to get back down to business and start working on the Mission Statement (which is part of the pre-service Graphics package).
posted by Kevin at 8/11/2003 08:40:34 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 2) - 019
Made it home... and fortunately was able to lift weights to blow of some stress.... then showered. Feeling great now. Dresed back up again and heading back to church for the 'test run' of the new Dining Commons. Can't wait!
posted by Kevin at 8/11/2003 06:06:08 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 2) - 018
Have I thoroughly confused you yet (if anyone os actually reading this) with all of the videos and services and names of all of the stuff that goes on here. Maybe I will publish a 'guide' tonight.
So now we are having discussion about the re-start of our Monday evening young singles service, Metro. We simply do not have staff or volunteers to provide the support that those who are in charge of the service are requesting. The difficulty is that they (typically) do not wish to lend any support financially to hiring interns or part-timers to make it happen. Nor do they want to give enough advance notice of their needs to allow us to get volunteers to do the work. So its a catch-22. You can't have excellent support, for no cost, on a short timetable. One has got to give.
Where will the give be? That is the current discussion today. It is starting to get to my volunteer Producer for the service.
posted by Kevin at 8/11/2003 03:55:27 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 2) - 017
If you let it build up, e-mail will overtake you. Its like flies on dog.... nevermind.
Anyway. The boss is gone again with no word on the issues at hand. I take that as a good sign! If I am making a ton of mistakes I would have heard about it by now. I love that about him! Short accounts!
I just had flowers sent to a volunteer family who last a parent (in fact, the lost 2 parents in the last week). This is the side of ministry that is so painful but necessary.
Then I worked up an e-mail about why we should be using blue lights to light the platform on weekends rather than the recent mixture of yellow, greens, reds, and oranges. 'Circus Colors' as I like to call them. :) I look forward to us getting back to a more sedate (and distinguished) look on stage, rather than the kids-playing-with-the-lighting-console look that we have recently had.
All things being equal, we did have those looks in place for a concert, and they worked well there, but I have been underimpressed with the look during actual services. Time to get back to the tried and true, the new sucked. :)
How is that for being opinionated?!?
The stomach issue has worn off for the time being I think. So I figure I can get moving again on the other whatnot.
Just ran a VHS copy of 2 weeks worth of interviews down to the Teaching Pastor's office so he could watch it and decide what cuts he wants in his weekend Promo video (one of the 5 videos I have for the weekend). So that is off the list for at least a day and a half, i hope!
posted by Kevin at 8/11/2003 03:32:57 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 2) - 016
The slide presentation, to be set to music and featuring the School Sports Teams, is finished now, except for the timing. All the graphics have been imported.
I also just received a framed note from my home Pastor. Man he is awesome! I am sitting here in my office about to explode from the work... trying to keep up with all of things I have going and not drop the ball.... and here this little gift comes in the mail.
How did God know that I needed that this afternoon?
.... on to other graphics. PLUS, my boss just came back from a weekend business trip, so I have a feeling that at some point soon I will be drawn into a "77 Seconds" meeting. We shall see!
posted by Kevin at 8/11/2003 02:29:24 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 2) - 015
Well, now I have upset stomach and no Pepto Bismal in site. At first I thought that it might be from the food, but I remembered that I had one last night too. I think that my body is too tense.
I can't wait to get home tonight and lift weights. I figure if I lift to blow off stress this month, then I will be about the size of the Incredible Hulk three weeks from now.
Tomorrow's All-School worship requires me to do some graphics work (a slideshow, some updating to the Speaker's presentation slides, and also some song lyrics), so I might as well do them now in the 'lull' so I don't have to worry about it tonight at home. I will use that time for more AE work.
If it weren't for Coldplay and these Harman/Kardon Soundsticks I would be going nuts right now. This stinkin' stomach crap!
posted by Kevin at 8/11/2003 01:56:31 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 2) - 014
Getting ready to leave the WiFi-enabled church Dining Commons, but had to report one more drive-by.
This weekend is Opening Weekend for the new building addition, and Saturday night at 8:30 pm (an hour after the close of the service) the church is having a cermony to officially open the new building and light the cross tower, oh yeah, and ring the bells in the carillion.
So the information process has been like this.....
LAST WEEK - there would be no ceremony. No video needed.
THIS WEEKEND - Now we say we will have no ceremony but will all kinda meet outside at 8:30pm (for those who want to) and light the cross tower.
NOW - There MAY be a ceremony and we MAY need cameras, but we don't know the extent of it all.
..... well, we are 5 days away now, and I am just gonna plan for the worst!!! Here goes nothing!
posted by Kevin at 8/11/2003 12:55:24 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 2) - 013
Well, I'm at lunch. And I am eating in our new Dining Commons. Free Food... and talk with people from work (church) and surfing the wireless internet that was installed in the building.
How cool is it to be at church, be able to have a great sit-down lunch, and surf the internet and chat on IM, and post to the blog.
Micah just went to pick me up a carmel mocha something from the Starbucks stand (he's a great guy)..... and in a couple minutes it will be back to the grind. But for now, all is well in the world.
posted by Kevin at 8/11/2003 12:37:46 PM    
ONE WEEK - (day 2) - 012
The meeting with the designer from Communilux went well... a real nice guy.
We are looking at totally re-vamping our stage design for Wednesday and Saturday evening services. This includes a light rehang and purchasing new spandex sails, etc. as we change the look/feel of these services.
I am a little weary of the cost, and potholes, that might come as I try and spearhead this process. This may not seem like much, but changes like this can bring lots of accolades or lots of fire.... or both. Just got to not get caught in the middle or emotional attached to the ideas or process. It will be a couple weeks before we actually have a design on paper to present.
Lunch is coming in 15 minutes, and I welcome the break, though I may take my laptop with me and work from the Commons area. Remember, this is a 'test run' of our new dining facility set to open this coming weekend.
posted by Kevin at 8/11/2003 11:20:22 AM    
ONE WEEK - (day 2) - 011
Oh yeah, one more thing..... hahahaha
We also have a huge All School Worship, with our church's Christian Academy, tomorrow afternoon. This is an event that will have over 2,000 in attendance. We will need full IMAG support, and they have also added a LIVE camera feed from their new building site, hundreds of feet from the main building. That means a ton of triax and coordinating to make it occur on the screen at the right time and look perfect.
I had to update the volunteer schedule for that and take care of some details surrounding it.
Shouldn't my 10:30 appointment have been here by now? I better go check on that.
posted by Kevin at 8/11/2003 10:33:04 AM    
ONE WEEK - (day 2) - 010
Next week starts 2 new services here, or should I say that we actually RESTART services. One is a Wednesday Night meeting and the other is Monday Night Metro. Our ducks are SO not in a row for these services. Too much going on here.
Well, I just had several phone conversations and a meeting set up on Wednesday to try and nail out the details on Metro.
The fun continues.
posted by Kevin at 8/11/2003 10:27:26 AM    
ONE WEEK - (day 2) - 009
A couple "drive by's" have happened already.
A pastor needs to see footage from a shoot that was filmed in his absence... and I am trying to figure out the exact upgrade package that I need for After Effects.
Monday's are rough because my helpmeet (the Associate) is out. Aaaaaaaaaaaargh.
posted by Kevin at 8/11/2003 10:14:32 AM    
ONE WEEK - (day 2) - 008
It is 10am and I just sat down at my desk. Not that I haven't been working already... I've been doing that for hours from home and the Jeep and the Worship Center.
The morning started with a phone call from a friend (and top church media consultant in the DFW area) asking for some footage/equipment. I was glad to help (if the stuff is available) and it foreshadowed what I know the rest of the week will be like.
Monday morning was off at a dead run!
By the time I got to my Jeep to make the three mile trek to the church, I was in the middle of phone-tag with several church offices regarding a funeral that was to begin in less than an hour on the property. Normally, we do not do any IMAG support for funerals... but a apparently this funeral was special and the rule was to be broken... and we had less than an hour to prepare. I was looking forward to arriving.
Funeral at 10:00am, meeting with Communilux at 10:30. 'Test Lunch' in the new Main Street Cafe at 11:30, and then another test run at dinner tonight. Then, in the middle of all of this I have to damage control the story selection for "77 Seconds" get two promos moving through the production process, and do a number of other tasks.
Gonna be quite the day.
posted by Kevin at 8/11/2003 10:02:42 AM    
ONE WEEK - 007
Pretty much finished this wacky "Pre-Service" Countdown. Only took most of the afternoon and evening. Either I am too picky or care too much. Either way. I guess.
Off to bed.
posted by Kevin at 8/11/2003 12:17:15 AM    
Sunday, August 10, 2003
ONE WEEK - 006
Playing some pool with the roomy now, but popped in the "Living Faith" Video (LONG Version) so that we could get ideas for a video to be edited and played this coming weekend.
posted by Kevin at 8/10/2003 11:06:33 PM    
ONE WEEK - 005
The plot thickens on the PROMO vs. RE-CAP front. Several other e-mail conversations have transpired (isn't this my evening off?) and lines seem to be forming on one side or the other. I am not a fan of divisive issues like this. There may have to be some discussion/rethinking in the morning. This shouldn't be difficult to solve we just need to refocus on the original mission of the "77 Seconds" feature, and then redistribute the workload again. The fun continues over Pizza Hut pizza and Malcolm in the Middle....
posted by Kevin at 8/10/2003 09:50:09 PM    
ONE WEEK - 004
Maybe this is a good compromise for a service countdown. The roomy seemed to think so. It counts the minutes, but not the seconds or milliseconds. This way, we still pretty much accomplish the same thing, but yet are less invasive. Will have to think on this.
For now, I am taking a break to watch some Sunday night Fox whatnot. But don't think I won't be working during commercials.
posted by Kevin at 8/10/2003 07:02:46 PM    
ONE WEEK - 003
Having a discussion (while working on the countdown) on whether an actual pre-service countdown is appropriate for our worship paradigm.
Does a 'Countdown to Worship' make us seem more like a show, a performance, or a concert instead of a worship service?
These are things I am going to keep asking myself over the next week(s) and frankly, have been asking for months now. Though the question is new to the roomy (and new to most everyone else at PW) it is NOT new to me. I have struggled for years with where to draw the line in my own mind... and where I would draw it in my church if I were the final authority (which I am not).
So for now, I will keep working on it... knowing full well that it may be all for nothing if myself, my boss, or our Pastors decide that it is too secular. So back to After Effects....
posted by Kevin at 8/10/2003 06:17:42 PM    
ONE WEEK - 002
We are starting a new feature in services this coming weekend called "Around PW in 77 Seconds", a take-off of FoxNews' "Around the World in 80 Seconds". Lots of genres have done it, but Fox's is the best and most currently recognizable form.
Well, choosing stories for this has been a bear! In a church everyone wants to PROMOTE their own events, which is a huge reason we are doing the new feature... but we also need RE-CAPS. And those are more difficult pieces to come by. Not that we don't have a lot of stuff happen... but creating a balance has been tough so far.
So even on Sunday afternoon I have had to tag several bases to get new stories chosen and to the scriptwriter in the 11th hour. The script must be done by Monday morning and ready for review. We tape the 'stand-up' on Tuesday morning... and then its edit/edit/edit until the weekend to get this thing done.
Back to After Effects. This counter is making me crazy because it has to change from minutes/seconds to only seconds in the last 2 minutes of the piece. Why? Because the final 77 Seconds of this Countdown is the "77 Seconds" video that we have been working on for 2 months. So at 2 minutes we switch over to '120 Seconds' and count from there. I know I have confused you, but trust me, I know what I am doing..... just gotta figure out how to make After Effects bend to my will.
posted by Kevin at 8/10/2003 05:48:01 PM    
ONE WEEK - 001
Its Sunday Afternoon, I've changed out of my suit and finished lunch at Chili's.
After lifting weights for awhile to blow off some steam built up from weekend service stress I'm now ready to sit down in front of the TV and take a nap. Oh Wait, no time!
I need to get started on a new video piece that airs next weekend, a 20-minute "Service Starts In:" timer that is a key portion of a larger graphic/feature package. More to come on all of that.
Well, back to trying to learn/use Adobe After Effects.
posted by Kevin at 8/10/2003 05:12:08 PM    
ONE WEEK - Preface
Starting immediately...
What is a week like for me? Who knows! But you will, one week from now.
This week promises to be one of the craziest I've seen in three years at work. On Saturday our church officially opens PHASE II of our current building's Master Plan. Featuring a new 600-seat chapel, student ministry wing, dining commons and food court (with a Starbucks), etc. it will bring the total square footage of the building to over 800,000 square feet... and that is NOT a misprint.
So in hopes of eventually turning this into an article at a later time, see you back in one week. Hope you can keep up!
PS - For those of you who are 'Blogrolled', I hope this doesn't clog your inbox!
posted by Kevin at 8/10/2003 04:54:10 PM    
Saturday, August 09, 2003
Describe the Movie Preview/Trailer - FF#5
Here is the last in the series... finally! So if my life were a movie, what WOULD the trailer be?....
I thought about maybe editing my own trailer... but that reeked of effort. So then I thought about uploading a series of still shots to help you understand what a Movie Trailer about my life would be like... but that too seemed like a lot of work. And I love you guys, but not that much. :) Since a simple script seemed too boring I was in a pickle...
... in a pickle, at least until I remembered a Trailer I had seen awhile back. It was perfect! How could I have forgotten?!?
So without further adieu, this link will take you to the Movie Trailer that best fits my life:
Click here to see the Trailer!
posted by Kevin at 8/09/2003 12:43:28 PM    
Friday, August 08, 2003
Casting: who would play you, members of your family, friends, etc? - FF#4
If my life were a movie, then it might be difficult to decide exactly who would play the parts of my family members.....
My Dad
This one might be the easiest to figure out. Dad probably thinks that he might be best played by the likes of Clint Eastwood or John Wayne. But once you get to know him you will find that Jim Varney (of Ernest Goes to Camp fame) is probably the best choice, were he still alive. I also think that maybe he could be easily played by Burt Reynolds' role in Smokey and the Bandit (or maybe the chimp would do a better job).
My Mom
This one is difficult because there are few movies or shows these days that feature women like my mother. Maybe Sally Field would be a great fit, more because of her role in Steel Magnolias than The Flying Nun. I also think that Michael Learned (from the Waltons) might be a great fit. Or even Sissy Spaceck.... or Reba from Reba.
Grandma Young (Dad's Mom)
This is one is the easiest of the bunch. She would definitely be played by Doris Roberts, Ray's mother in Everybody Loves Raymond. Or another good fit might be the sharp-witted and sarcastic Estelle Getty who played 'Sophia Petrillo' in The Golden Girls.
Grandma Harris (Mom's mom)
I'm not sure about this one... I think that the best fit might be 'Aunt Bee' from The Andy Griffith Show, played by Frances Bavier.
Grandpa Harris
Walter Matthau, definitely.... except he's dead. I guess Jack Lemmon is too. Leslie Nielsen actually looks a LOT like him and maybe that would be the better choice.
My Sister
See, now this one is hard too. Who do I compare her too? Possibly Winona Ryder, the attitude is definitely there... the passion. Though Katie Holmes would be a good fit physically, my sister isn't nearly as 'sugar and spice' as her (and boy am I glad). There's also Ashley Judd, Alyssa Milano, or Liv Tyler.
Once, in Seminary, an African-American fellow referred to me as Ben Affleck for quite a long time. I am not sure if it was meant to be descriptive or derogatory, but I always assumed the later. So maybe I should choose another. Maybe the Verizon "Can You Hear Me Now?" guy. Brian Austin Green maybe. Maybe a younger Eugene Levy or a less cool Steve Howey.
Any other thoughts????? Anyone??????
posted by Kevin at 8/08/2003 05:48:17 PM    
Sunday, August 03, 2003
Goodbye, Dear Sir
My home Pastor resigned today.
For years I have known that I needed to prepare for this day. The writing has been on the wall for some time. How can I be on the backside of 25 and still believe that things will go away if I pay them no attention?
Its like a divorce... though not really. In a divorce there are generally hard feelings and disgust, even relief many times. This is more like a death in the family. A pastor who is loved by his congregation (and vice-versa) is something of an oddity in today's world. Losing a man like that is like losing a close loved one.
I say 'losing,' but I know that nothing is really lost. God has allowed him to move on (to Florida to be exact). And who wouldn't choose that over Indiana? But he will be missed.
Three decades ago Connersville Baptist Temple was formed. It split from another Baptist Church in my hometown and the congregation of over 1,000 (very big for that time) met in a storefront for months. The first man called as Pastor of this church was Reverend E.G. Robertson. During his relatively short time as Pastor he built the church that Baptist Temple now calls home and married my parents (among other accomplishments).
Twenty years (and four pastors) later Dr. Robertson returned a second time as Pastor at my home church. These past ten years have allowed me to grow close to he and his family. My mom was his secretary, to her he has become a second father (been there through more thick and thin than you could imagine). To my grandparents he was the calm in the midst of my Grandfather's heart attack. He weathered the storms of my family's problems and was truly the Biblical example of what an undershepherd should be.
To me... he was first a Pastor ... later an example ... eventually a mentor ... and now a friend.
Much of who I am today is a direct result of the influence he has had on my life. I am not sure I ever would have moved to Texas without his blessing or applied to Seminary without his encouragement. He stayed in contact with me, supported me, and most importantly was a mentor. I may never have ended up at PW without him.
I think what I am trying to say is this: My life would be different without him.
This will only make sense to those who are very familiar with the book of Second Timothy... He has been my Paul. He gave me opportunity for ministry in my home church and pressed me toward greater personal commitment to Christ. The man flew over 1,000 miles half-way across the country to see me graduate from Seminary. He means the world to me, both personally and professionally.
My home Pastor resigned today.
I know that I will still see him, and that we will keep in touch. I am excited about the door that God has opened for him and the new ministry he will soon begin. But today is a sad day for me.
Good Pastors are hard to come by. They are not a dime a dozen. I pray to God that He allows me to be half the man and minister that Dr. Robertson is.
My prayers go out to he and Pat in their new ministry. My prayers go out to my family while they deal with the grief of losing a loved one. My prayers go out to my church in their time of transition. My prayers go out to the search committee, that they will follow God's direction and not their own desires. My prayers go out for myself, that God will heal my sadness.
My friend resigned today.
posted by Kevin at 8/03/2003 05:54:01 PM    
Saturday, August 02, 2003
"He showed us the Cross"
Rich Mullins' death hit me hard. It was 1997 and I was on-the-air when the news came across the wire. It was the most difficult thing I ever had to handle over live radio.
Almost in tears, I keyed the mic and read the short blurb that AP had written... it seemed so sterile. I added a couple of personal remarks and then played Elijah (a powerful song explaining in his own words how he wanted to be remembered in death).
I always felt an odd bond with Rich. He was born in the same hospital as I and grew up near my hometown in a place called Richmond, Indiana. He sings about it in Boy like Me, Man Like You.
This week I was reminded about my fondness for Rich's music when I came across the song All the Way to Kingdom Come. In it Rich writes: "We were looking for heroes - He came looking for the lost. We were searching for glory and He showed us a cross."
My priorities are in continual need of realignment. This week it took a dead man to remind me that life is about more than my ambitions. I am closest to the heart (and will) of God when I am furthest from my own selfish pursuits.
...we were looking for heroes, He came looking for the lost .... we were searching for glory, and He showed us the cross.
posted by Kevin at 8/02/2003 03:22:45 AM    
Friday, August 01, 2003
Would it be a live-action film or animated? Why? - FF#3
If my life were a movie I think that it would be live-action... though not in a cool way like an Eastwood, Van Damme, or Segal movie. I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't be animated. Only the coolest people get animated shows.
Maybe it would be a mix of live-action and animation. Only the quirkiest movies do that... and I am DEFINITELY quirky, that's for sure. So that puts me in a category with Space Jam, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and Weird Al's UHF. Even Twilight Zone: The Movie (a great flick) used a mix of live-action and animation.
Probably, my character would be the cartoon, and everything else would be 'live'.
posted by Kevin at 8/01/2003 07:50:07 PM    
Note to Self
When wearing a red polo shirt and white pants, never shop at Target. Found that out the hard way today.
posted by Kevin at 8/01/2003 06:49:59 PM    
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